Monthly Archives: January 2012

Much deserved weekend

Whew! What a week. Between hidden notebooks and stolen items, forgotten passwords, and failing test grades, I am happy it’s Friday. 🙂

At least we get to start over on Monday. So I’m going to try and take this weekend for myself and my family! (Mostly) 🙂

After school today I completed Week 4-Day 2 of my couch25k training program (YEA, me!), and then we finished painting Coach K’s office. IT LOOKS GREAT! Red and white-Go Wadley Bulldogs!

Tonight my daughter and I are going to watch some movies at the hacienda. Tomorrow is my 1 year old great-nephew’s birthday party in Georgia. Tomorrow night my husband finally comes home for his short weekend (he works 6 days a week in GA). Sunday will be my last day to of week 4 training. Might do some part-time job stuff. Might not. 🙂

So-a little laziness mixed in with a little bit of productiveness.

How about you? What’s planned for your weekend?


Buffalo Soldiers

Our story this week is Black Frontiers which tells the story of how sharecroppers moved north to get out of debt back in the 1800s. It describes the obstacles they faced in trying to settle on free soil as pioneers. The African-American soldiers were named “Buffalo Soldiers” by the Indians which they wore as a badge of honor. I found this video by Bob Marley on youtube which my kids last year loved. And kept singing over and over. 🙂 One student last year even said she couldn’t get the tune out of her head and was singing it at home. 🙂

So here you go:

Reading Aloud to 6th Graders

Reading aloud to my 6th graders is probably one of my favorite times of the day! I think “most” of them love it, too! It’s like I’m able to bring the characters alive for them through my voice and actions. We always talk to our partners about some of what is read. Today we finished chapter 4 of The Watsons Go To Birmingham  by Christopher Paul Curtis.




Kenny’s brother, Byron, took care of Larry Dunn, the boy who stole Kenny’s gloves. In fact, he took care of him REAL GOOD. We discussed how Kenny’s character is so nice and considerate and actually ended up feeling sorry for the boy who stole his gloves.

We answered some questions from our trucker buddy and sent him some questions. We can’t wait for him to visit us! 🙂

Our day tomorrow will be FILLED with our weekly tests. One of them is on our Scott Foresman Reading Street story this week-The Chimpanzees I Love by Jane Goodall. Today we finished partner reading the story and used sticky notes to write down what we though was important. Of course, I also went over the study guide so that our grades can be suitable instead of so many failing grades. These tests are HARD!!! For me!!! 🙂

We didn’t have enough time for Read to Self. 😦 Why can’t I just have another hour in my day???? Even 30 more minutes for each class would be enough. I still need to tweak my schedule to fit this in EVERYDAY!!! And we didn’t even write today! Maybe by retirement I’ll have something figured out for the next teacher. 🙂

1 day until the weekend!! Hooray!



Reading is NOT optional!

Walter Dean Myers, a very distinguished author, has been selected as the new National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature. He has replaced Katherine Paterson who served in this honorable position since 2010. Before that Jon Scieszka held the position first. The terms are for 2 years. His job will be to raise awareness about the importance of reading.

Read more about it here:

Check out this FAB sign that Kelly over at The Lemme Library created. She’s going to hang it up in her school.

Back in the swing of things

I promise I will get back to my regular posting-I’ve just had so much going on!!!!!!!!!!! Did I mention that I’ve started training to be able to run a 5k this year? I’m blogging about this painful journey adventure at

Trying to take care of family has kept me busy lately. AND I hit a deer and MESSED UP MY CAR!!!

This is what deer look like in my dreams or when I see them wandering through a field.





This is what I want deer to look like from now on. 🙂